Weekly Brief: Nov. 13 to 17

(Alex Dascalu/AQ)

International education week

This week marks International Education Week, which celebrates international students in Canada. The union, alongside the international office and the St. Thomas University International Students’ Association, organized events to commemorate the week.

Ana Lucía Pavón, the international student representative, noted the lack of involvement from domestic students during the Global Connection Challenge, an event aimed at bridging international and Canadian students.

“I can’t stress this enough. but Canadian involvement rarely, rarely happens,” she said, adding that she wants to create positive relationships between students to “anchor them to Canada.”

CASA’s upcoming advocacy week

Stevie Demerchant, STUSU’s president, said she has been meeting with the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations for their upcoming advocacy week.

She recently went to Bishop’s Univeristy in Sherbrooke, Que., to discuss housing, cost of living and tuition.

New members of STUSU

This week STUSU’s SRC meeting was joined by newly-elected first-year student representative, Aidan Steeves.

The other recently-elected non-voting member, grad class president Lindsay Graham, sent her regrets for not coming to the meeting.

Related: Students elects new representatives in fall election, leave almost half vacant