Storm Chips just in time for winter

    Covered Bridge Potato Chip Company’s newest product, Storm Chips, are reportedly selling out after only a couple of days of being on the shelf.
    Jamie Nevers, marketing manager for the Hartland-based company, said the item is selling well after its first ever launch this year.
    “We’ve had a lot of positive feedback,” Nevers said. “[We] are hoping for a snowy winter.”
    The product, which was inspired by the Twitter hashtag #stormchips going viral last year, combines four of Covered Bridge’s top-selling “flurry of flavours”: BBQ, Creamy Dill, Sea Salt & Vinegar, and Ketchup.
    While many are applauding the company’s clever and witty ideas, now that winter is starting to close in, the question remains about how the limited-edition, kettle-cooked snacks’ sales will truly fare over the next few months.
    Karen Grant, a representative for Kiers Marketing Group in Fredericton, said that while they cannot comment on the company due to unfamiliarity with their sales and efforts, the success of the chip will depend on the upcoming winter.
    “If people only purchase the ‘storm chip’ flavour during snow storms, and we don’t have any this winter, then it will not be a good result to their efforts,” she said.
    Grant said time will tell how things work out for Covered Bridge’s Storm Chips, but she applauded them for getting on the “storm chip hype.”
    Nonetheless, Covered Bridge chips’ staff are hoping that their newest chips, cleverly-branded with toque-and-scarf-dressed snacks on the front, will bring a smile to all of the frozen faces of the Maritimes this winter.