Election information

Confused about voting? Still not sure who you will vote for?

Do you have questions about voting as a student? Visit this Elections Canada page to find answers.

Not sure the positions of the major parties? Here are the party websites followed by the Fredericton candidates and their websites:

Conservative Party of Canada Keith Ashfield

Green Party of CanadaLouise Comeau

Liberal Party of CanadaRandy McKeen

New Democratic Party of CanadaJesse Travis

Independent – Adam Scott Ness (no links available)

Conservative candidate Keith Ashfield
Green Party candidate Louise Comeau
Liberal Party candidate Randy McKeen
NDP candidate Jesse Travis
Independent candidate Adam Scott Ness (Charles Leblanc photo)








Election day is May 2. Find out where to vote here.

Advanced voting will take place on Friday, April 22, Saturday, April 23, and Monday, April 25.