Welcome to the updated face of the Aquinian student newspaper.
Anyone who visited our site last year will notice we’ve made some massive changes. This website has been rebuilt from scratch with a brand-new platform and over a hundred hours of technical work.
The redesigned site gives us some powerful tools to deliver better, more comprehensive coverage to the students of St. Thomas University.
Now, with only a few weeks to go before September, let’s take a moment and explore the new features we have for you.
theAQ.net, anywhere you want it.
Besides our print editions located conveniently around the STU and UNB campuses, we now offer a wide range of electronic sources for your news.
The first and most obvious is the website. You can reach it from any computer at www.theaquinian.net, or with our simple new address: www.theaq.net that we’ve just set up.
The new URL www.theaq.net is especially useful when you’re visiting the Aquinian from a mobile device like an iPhone or a Blackberry. We will automatically recognize that you’re connecting from a mobile device, and display a stripped down, faster edition of the website. This will allow you full access to the latest STU coverage from wherever you and your phone happen to be.
theAQ.net, whenever you want it.
Major events and breaking news will be delivered to you as it happens. Be it a campus building on fire, or the latest on contract negotiations, theAQ.net will provide you with info on major stories as they arise. Then, as stories develop, you can look forward to full, in-depth coverage in our weekly printed edition every Tuesday.
theAQ.net, any way you want it.
Our publishing platform, WordPress, allows us to to provide you new and exciting forms of content. Www.theAQ.net can now host print stories, blogs, videos, and podcasts. You’ll be able to listen to the actual election speeches, or see the winning goal of the championships. We’ll also be hosting several exclusive blogs from St. Thomas students. All of these new features can be found on the right hand side of any theAQ.net page.
The Aquinian content is also spreading out to the social networks. Become a fan of us on Facebook (The Aquinian@Facebook) or follow us on twitter (aquinian@twitter) right from our homepage.
You can even log onto theAQ.net with your Facebook account. Just click the button in the center column. Any comments you leave will use your facebook username and display picture.
If you’d like to get regular email updates of our latest stories in your inbox, click the Subscribe by Email link on the top of any page.
theAQ.net, with anyone you want.
Share us with your friends, talk back to us, get involved in the conversation. At the bottom of every story you can vote on stories, post comments, and share stories on several social networks.
If you like a story, tell us about it. If you don’t like, or disagree with a story, we want to hear from you even more.
If you have any questions about the website, feel free to visit our contact page at Contact us and leave a message.
Until next time, I’m your resident nerd (and Web Editor for the Aquinian) Alex Solak.