Weekly Briefs: Oct. 31 – Nov. 4

    (Caitlin Dutt/AQ)

    STUSU’s retreat 

    St. Thomas University Students’ Union will have a retreat at the Delta Hotel during reading week. At the event, the representatives will listen to a presentation by former STUSU’s vice president of education Sydona Chandon, as well as the New Brunswick Student Alliance and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations.

    Alex Nguyen, STUSU’s president, said STUSU will get to brainstorm strategic planning for future advocacy campaigns.

    Indigenous Art Fair

    Stevie Demerchant, STUSU’s Indigneous Representative, said she’s been working with the Student’s Reconciliation Committee on organizing the Indigenous Art Fair. 

    “We began sending out invites. The same day we received four compliment combinations for tables and many more have reached out. I’m really excited,” she said.  

    More Than Tuition Display

    STUSU has a display in Sir James Dunn Hall showing students’ input on the More Than Tuition campaign. Students wrote in post-its about their concerns on tuition, housing, food security, mental health and more. 

    Julia Evans, vice president of education, thanked anybody who participated in the display.

    ” I think it was a great way to start a conversation with students in advance of advocacy week, listen to student concerns and get students more involved in advocacy,” she said. 

    The display will remain in JDH until after reading week so that students can take the time to read each post-it.