Who isn’t fond of their childhood memories of knocking on doors during Halloween collecting enough candy to feed a small army? Well, this Halloween you can go out and re-live your youth but, instead of gathering candy, students will be collecting non-perishable food donations.
Trick-or-Eat, a national event, will be taking place at STU again this Halloween. Ben Lord, the organizer of the STU event, heard about it in 2011, and said “I’ve held it in high esteem ever since.”
Each year, 850,000 Canadians don’t have enough food in the cupboards and need to access a food bank for emergency supplies. Trick-or-Eat is a way of ensuring that the food bank is well stocked.
“As Trick-or-Eat participants, students get to experience all the fun of Halloween while making a difference in their community,” said Lord.
Students can get involved in a number of ways. There is a Facebook page called STU Trick-or-Eat, a sign up sheet at the JDH help-desk or you can sign up at trickoreat.ca. Students can register as a team or as individuals.
Lord hopes STU can raise 1,000 lbs of non-perishable food items but thinks students will be able to beat that goal.
Seventy per cent of proceeds will go to the Fredericton food bank and 30 per cent will go to STU’s food bank on campus.
“I have no doubt that we can surpass this goal. The students at St. Thomas always pull together and make this event a huge success,” said Lord.
Participants will be meeting at James Dunn Hall at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 31 for the event. All are welcome.