This is part of a four part series:
- Monday – President Mark Livingstone
- Tuesday – VP Student Life Alex Vietinghoff
- Wednesday – VP Education Craig Mazerolle
- Thursday – VP Admin Mary-Dan Johnston
A review of the union’s membership in the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations is one of Craig Mazerolle’s priorities for his second term as vice-president education.
Mazerolle made this part of his platform for VP education. He said he wants to hold a vote on the issue in the winter semester of 2012.
“It takes a lot more time than you can really do in a semester. It’s the kind of thing that I’d really like to start in September and really start having a conversation because it’s an important one, it really is,” he said.
“And hopefully we can get people to the point where they can make an educated decision.”
The fourth year psychology student was re-elected last week, defeating Justin Marshall by 173 votes.
Mazerolle ran for a second term because he wanted more time to work on issues like creating a STUSU bookstore, advocating the provincial government to lower tuition and improve the city bus service.
“For me it just made sense to continue with my work as vice-president education to keep pushing these issues.”
“Next year there are a lot of big things coming up so I just want to be in the thick of things again.”
Although he’s been involved with the union for four years, this term was his first time as a member of the STUSU executive. He said working with two new executive members will mean different ideas will need to blend together.
“I think it’s going to be an interesting dynamic.
“You know, essentially we have two people who’ve never been in the executive before with two people [Mazerolle and Mary-Dan Johnston as vice-president administration] who have been there a while,” he said.