STU surpassed expectations with their Shinerama campaign this year.
The university raised a $1,000 more than their goal at this year bringing the total to over $6,000.
“And there’s still money to come in,” said Katie Clow, Shinerama coordinator. “We are doing more fundraising this week and have until December 2013 to raise money.”
This year Shinerama had its own day during Welcome Week, Shine Day. It also had its own coordinator.
Shine Day involved students volunteering their time at three carwashes and two barbeques. There was also students outside of RBC, the Regent Mall and around downtown asking for donations.
STU had 86 volunteers register for Shine Day and about 100 in total with stragglers, said Clow.
Shinerama is affiliated with Cystic Fibrosis Canada. The money raised for Shinerama goes to three different categories, research, clinical care and awareness.
When Clow was chosen to be the Shinerama coordinator she admits she didn’t know much about the cause.
She learned a lot when she attended the National Leadership Conference last May in London, Ont.
“It’s where I went to get trained, get my resources, and met my campaign advisors and regional directors,” Clow said.
Ben Lord, Welcome Week Chair, was happy with Clow’s work with Shinerama.
“Clow is an extremely hard working and driven individual,” Lord said. “Her passion for Shinerama is inspiring and contagious. It was an absolute pleasure working alongside her.”
Clow, Lord and the other welcome week executives started raising money in August with secondary fundraisers.
“We had about $2,000 raised before Welcome Week or Shine Day even started. My executive and I went out and did car washes, [collected donations at] the market, and even collected bottles. And then we raised about $4,000 on Shine Day,” said Clow.
Plans for Shinerama happened right about the time Heather McInnis, a STU student with cystic fibrosis, died. Clow and other organizers decided to create an award during welcome week to celebrate McInnis.
“We thought it was important to establish an award in her honor. Talking to her family we found out that [McInnis] really wanted to bring Shinerama back to STU. Unfortunately she couldn’t do that so we wanted to do it for her,” said Clow.
Clow was proud of her work and she hopes the STUSU and Welcome Week chairs continue with Shinerama in the future.
“I know that administration is very pleased with the outcome so I feel like they will definitely be on board for keeping it around,” said Clow.
Katie Clow is about to begin her last year at STU. She is happy that she was able to experience Shinerama.
“I’m almost wishing that when I was in first year I had come into Shinerama because I think it’s a fantastic leadership experience not only for myself but for all students,” Clow said.
“I just feel like as a first year student if I was out there fundraising all day and having a lot of fun and meeting new people and getting to know the community and making a difference, I would have felt like I really belonged in the community.