If you live off-campus and worry about getting to the bus on time, there’s an app for that.
Fredericton Transit and CGI Atlantic have created a free app, aptly titled goFred, that tells transit users on a minute-to-minute basis where their bus is.
Although it is not equipped with a feature that will predict when the bus will arrive, it provides passengers with an approximate idea of when their bus will reach its next stop.
Sandy MacNeill, manager of Fredericton transit, believes the smartphone app will appeal to regular transit users.
“It gives people the information they need on where their bus is and how long they have to get to it. It’s a tool that can make a passenger’s experience with the transit easier,” he said, adding that people seem to use apps for everything these days.
Response has been positive since the app’s official launch in December, MacNeill said, and it’s growing in popularity by the day.
He believes students will benefit most from the app.
“The students are very technologically apt, and they’re very receptive to any kind of technology, so we think they will be especially receptive to the app,” he said.
“They can use this to make it easier to ride the bus. On a cold day, this might cut down the time it takes to wait for the bus.”
Valerie Lavigne, a first-year student and Chatham Hall resident at St. Thomas University, said the app will be a great benefit for students.
“It just makes things so much easier for students; it’s definitely an improvement.
“Bus schedules are hard to read sometimes and everyone uses their phone nowadays.”
Jonathan Munn, a first-year St. Thomas student who lives off-campus, said the new app will be convenient for students who don’t live within walking distance of the university.
“Being able to track where the transit is, is such a great tool to keep the schedule running more smoothly.
“You won’t need to be at the bus stop early anymore, because you can see when it’s just a minute away. It’s so helpful for those few times when the bus is early or late.”
Munn suggested the app will also benefit those who aren’t familiar with Fredericton.
“It’s very helpful for people who don’t know the city, and as a frequent traveller, I know too well how stressful public transportation is in unknown cities.”
For those who wish to put an end to long line-ups on frosty mornings, goFred is currently available for download on iTunes and Android Marketplace.