In this past year working with The Aquinian, I’ve learned just how valuable and useful the student paper is. You can turn it into a floor mat to absorb the messy slush from snow boots, you can fold it into a hat to keep your ears warm, or unfold it into a good makeshift blanket, even prop it up into a tent and take it camping. Just kidding about the tent, I don’t recommend that.
Hi, I’m Angela, your friendly new Editor-in-Chief. When I started out as Arts editor last September I had no idea how The Aquinian would become such a big part of my life. I still hadn’t really figured out what journalism meant to me or if this was what I really wanted to do. I ended up at STU by chance; I was looking for a small liberal arts school and I arbitrarily decided I was going to major in journalism since I loved writing in high school. And now here I am, and it’s working at the paper that has confirmed my love of storytelling.
When you are part of putting out a paper every week it can sometimes consume your life in the most stressful “I’m pulling my hair out” kind of way but also in a “This is so important to me because I love what I do” kind of way.
That is what The Aquinian has come to mean for me and I could not be more excited for another year. I am confident that next year’s team will be able to continue the amazing work that has been done this year. Not only will we work to break more stories, but I plan to bring The Aquinian even further into the modern multimedia news world. With the help of my team I will work to bring campus news where, you, the students, already are (hint, on your phones). This means more live-tweeting, more videos and a heavier focus on social media so the AQ can get the news to you wherever you are.
I want to bridge the gap that sometimes exists between journalism students and the rest of campus. I want to engage with students and get feedback – find out what we do well, what we do poorly and what more you want to see from us.
We hear a lot about how newspapers are dying. I don’t think this is true, especially when it comes to campus publications. The Aquinian has been an institution of St. Thomas since 1935. News has changed a whole heck of a lot since then, and in another eighty years it will be still be changing. It’s our job as journalists to keep up (not with the Kardashians), adapt to new technology and push the boundaries.
As student journalists, we get the chance to experiment. Want to be a part of those experiments, or have ideas for new things you want to see the AQ doing? Send an email to [email protected], or if you see me on campus, introduce yourself, and we can talk. The AQ team is working for you. We are here to tell your stories.
Thank you for reading,
Angela Bosse