The St. Thomas University Student Union hosted a Fredericton riding candidates debate in advance of the Canadian Oct. 21 federal election.
Participants of the debate included People’s Party of Canada candidate Jason Paull, Liberal Party of Canada candidate Matt DeCourcey, Green Party of Canada candidate Jenica Atwin and Libertarian Party of Canada candidate Brandon Kirby. Conservative Party of Canada candidate Andrea Johnston had confirmed prior to the event she would attend, but was unable to attend.
The candidates and their debate focuses:
Jenica Atwin
Atwin previously ran for the New Brunswick provincial election for the New Maryland-Sunbury riding. If she wins the Fredericton seat, she will be New Brunswick’s first Green Member of Parliament.

Here are her summarized debate points:
- She said mental health is the biggest problem facing the Fredericton constituency. She said we need more healthcare funding, particularly for the mental health sector.
- She said the Green Party fully supports free tuition as well as raising the minimum wage to help students.
- She said access to post-secondary education for Indigenous Peoples is a “multifaceted issue” and wants to see a more supportive environment for Indigenous students.
- She said she supports immigration and wants to speed up the reunification of immigrant families.
- She believes in the Green Party’s climate plan, which would cancel proposed pipeline projects and transition Canada’s energy infrastructure to a carbon-free grid system.
Matt DeCourcey
DeCourcey is Fredericton’s incumbent member of Parliament, this is his second federal campaign. He’s a St. Thomas University graduate.

Here are his summarized debate points:
- He said the biggest issue facing New Brunswickers and all of Atlantic Canada is population growth.
- He believes everyone should have access to post-secondary education but that universal free tuition would mean funding the education of the wealthy. He said he doesn’t want to see that happen.
- He spoke on Indigenous reconciliation when asked about education for Indigenous students. He said it is because of the Liberal Party that Indigenous peoples have the opportunities they do today.
- He said he wants to increase immigration to Canada.
Brandon Kirby
Kirby has a philosophy degree from the University of New Brunswick as well as a financial background. He works for a Cayman Island hedge fund service firm, owns Brandon Kirby Mortgage Lending, and has been in the financial industry since 2004. His political history is unclear.

Here are his summarized debate points:
- He said the number one issue facing the Fredericton constituency is debt.
- He spoke about how important it is to end connections between Canada and Saudi Arabia.
- He thinks free tuition is a great thought but Canada can’t afford it.
- He believes Canada is not respecting its contracts with Indigenous Peoples. He believes that they should receive a fixed livable income.
- He said the immigration system needs work and it discriminates against people.
- He said he wants auto loans geared towards purchasing electric vehicles and believes in consumer-based policies to battle climate change.
Jason Paull
Paull ran for the Fredericton West-Hanwell seat as a People’s Alliance of New Brunswick candidate in last fall’s provincial election. This is Paull’s first federal campaign.

Here are his summarized debate points:
- He said seniors are the most important issue for the constituency of Fredericton and plans to address that by looking at universal healthcare and more support for seniors. He wants to look into having both public and private sector healthcare.
- He said he wants to see immigration into Canada cut by about half while also raising the percentage of economic immigrants arriving in Canada.
- He said he wants to make education more affordable, possibly with interest-free student loans and affordable housing for students.
- He said it’s important to give Indigenous students access to education and to ensure the funding is there to do so. He wants to work on improving the environments Indigenous Peoples live in.
- He believes pipelines are the safest way to transport oil and that Canada should be using their own oil. He said pipelines create jobs.
The debate:
Ten minutes to go! There is a seat for all candidates. PPC, Liberal, Green, Libertarian and Conservative. Though, it is unclear if Conservative candidate Andrea Johnson will be in attendance. A representative for the student union says she pulled out yesterday. #STUVotes pic.twitter.com/35TZ1UpbIp
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Question panel will consist of STU Political Science professor Dr. Thomas Bateman, Public Policy Professor Dr. Jamie Gillies and STUSU President Husoni Raymond.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
From left to right:
Jason Paull People's Party
Matt DeCourcey Liberal Party
Jenica Atwin Green Party
Brandon Kirby Libertarian Party #STUVotes pic.twitter.com/YLbnbdde2C
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Jason Paul of PPC is delivering his opening statement. Says, he's here as a voice for the people
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Matt DeCourcey begins his opening statement in French… In English states the Liberal government has made investments in students. Hits main platform points including the universal pharmacare plan.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Jenica Atwin delivers her opening statement focusing on her Indigenous background and the opportunities that climate change can provide. Says she doesn't want to talk too much about negatives.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Brandon Kirby uses his opening statement to discuss his background in finance. Says he knows what green tech innovation takes. Wants to end Saudi arms deals. Calls himself a free market capitalist but "very anti war."
That concludes opening statements. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Jamie Gillies with the first question for Jason Paull: What is the single most important issue for the constituency of Fredericton and how do you propose to address it? #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says our seniors. Says we need Universal healthcare and more support for seniors. Encourages the public to look at a public and private sector healthcare system. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey follows… Says the biggest challenge in all of Atlantic Canada is population growth. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin says mental health is the biggest problem in Fredericton. Calls the situation critical:
"We need more funding in general for our healthcare, more particularly with our mental health efforts" #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says one of the number on issues is debt. Says we are 700 billion dollars in debt.
"We have to control our debt, there is no if, ands, or maybes. This is a nightmare situation…"#STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Bateman has a follow up question regarding SNC Lavlin:
DeCourcey is first to respond… Says it's responsible to save the jobs of innocent people.— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin follows with the worry that it's "jobs over ethics," says it can't be that way. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says he wants to talk about the "true SNC Lavlin Scandal,"
Asks, "why was energy east ignored?"
Says the largest oil refinery in Canada is "Saudi oil being used to fund the genocide of Saudi Yemen." #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says he understand wanting to protect jobs. Understands both Decourcey and Atwins point of views. Wants to see people held accountable. #STUvotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Bateman asks how highly this issue should rank in a voter's mind…
DeCourcey says it's important that this type of issue never becomes an issue again. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says it should be very important to voters.
Atwin says it's personal but for herself it is very important. Thinks Canadians are always waiting for the next scandal. Says we should vote differently and look at different options. #STUvotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says it's very important but should not take over the whole federal election. "It comes down the confidence in our government but it seems that we lost some of that."
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
STUSU President Husoni Raymond speaks on the cost of education and asks what does your party propose to ensure any student that is academically capable can attend university? #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin starts saying that the Greens believe fully in free tuition. Mentions raising minimum wage to help students. Says NB student debt is $10,000 higher than other provinces. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby asks, "can we afford free tuition?"
Says he would love to not pay his student loans but it is not realistic.— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull mentions his step-daughter a STU student, says he sees her buried in debt. Says interest free student loans and affordable housing for students is important.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey talks about previous (and still in place) Liberal policies. Says the Liberal Party believes we should all have access but we should not fund post-secondary for the wealthiest 1% #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Husoni asks what each party can do to make sure Indigenous students have access to post-secondary education…#STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin says it's a multifaceted issue. Says we need to make sure it's a supportive environment.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey follows talking about Indigenous Reconciliation..says it's because of our current federal government that Indigenous people have more opportunities now. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says we are not respecting current contracts with Indigenous Peoples. Says universal income is something Indigenous Peoples should be receiving. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says it's important to give them access to education and make sure the funding is there to do so. Says we need to work to improve their living environments as well. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Gillies with the next question on Quebec's Bill 21 asks if the candidates support this law?
*Bill 21 deals with the ban of religious symbols for some public sector jobs. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says he cannot believe this is happening. Calls it a clear violation of our Charter Rights.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says we should be seperating state and religion.
DeCourcey says the PPC leader would not feel the same as Paull. Says he is extremely against the Bill. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin shares the view. Says when she heard this was happening she didn't believe it.
"This is Canada, it's 2019 how is this happening?" #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Gillies asks if the candidates have any idea to deal with political extremism…
DeCourcey starts by saying it hampers the economic interests of Atlantic Canada to blame immigrants for our problems. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin is worried about the directon we are headed.
Kirby says he was once engaged to a woman from Iran, says that she told him by forcing her to or not to wear a hijab is the same level of fascism. Kirby says he believes very strongly in free speech.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says the billboards put up that were against immigration were not put up by the PPC.
But wants to slow immigration. Wants to take care of people across Canada, says the govt. has turned their backs on veterans. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Raymond asks, "Is the immigration policy in Canada working?" As well as what changes they would like to see…
Paull say he wants to cut immigration by about half but increase the per cent of economic immigrants. #STUvotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey wants to raise immigration policy. Says the Liberal party knows the only way to grow our economy is through people. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin says that immigration is also extremely important to the Green Party. Notes that unless you are Indigenous that you were once an immigrant yourself. Says we need to speed up reunification of immigrant families. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby follows with a story of two friends who had their work permits taken away. Says immigration laws discriminate against people who should be here. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Raymond with a follow-up question: "what are some of your parties plan to reduce the barriers for permanent residency and citizenship for international students?" #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey starts by saying Canada has the best immigration and asylum system in the world. Says the Liberal government has already done work to reduce these barriers.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin adds that there is so much Canada is doing right but there is more to be done. Says international students face challenges…
DeCourcey interrupts to say the Federal government invests in post secondary education for all. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says our immigration system is flawed.
DeCourcey argues saying the Liberals made it easier for people to come to this country and stay here. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Bateman with a follow-up question: "How does immigration policy in Canada square with foreign policy…"
Paull starts to say people who want to immigrate what to immigrate for a reason. We need to look at why they're leaving in the first place. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey says he rejects the premise of the question. Says Canada is the world leader in refugee resettlement.
Atwin says it would be nice to improve the conditions of the home countries of immigrants. Wants to explore the issue further. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says 9% of the world's population lives in poverty. Says we should be proud of what we've done #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Dr. Bateman once more to asks how important is it to the candidates that Canada meets its climate change goals but also how important is it that oil and gas makes it to international markets…
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey starts by saying Liberals has strengthened environmental protections. Says Liberals base decisions on science to ensure our natural resource industry is strong and sustainable. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin says the divisiveness that comes with climate change conversations had plagued the process. Says the carbon tax needed to be explained in more detail and because it wasn't it added to divisiveness. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
"We've seen a climate change crisis announced and a pipeline bought a week later," says Atwin. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby calls carbon elastic. Compares it to milk: "no matter the price of milk people will buy it."
Says things like auto loans geared towards purchasing electric vehicles would work. Wants consumer based policies. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull says Quebec is blocking a pipeline to New Brunswick which is blocking job creation. Says pipelines are the safer option for oil transportation and that we should be using our own oil. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey says to google the Liberal climate change plan. Says we will meet the Paris Climate Agreement targets. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin follows to say the Green Party is the only party aggressive enough to make the necessary changes. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby is worried about where we are putting our money. Says $3.3 billion dollars are going to fossil fuels companies and not enough to green tech.
DeCourcey reacts asking if Kirby wants to lose the progress that has been made.
Kirby says we are exactly where we were 4yrs ago.
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Kirby says our carbon emissions have not moved but DeCourcey says they have lowered. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Closing statements…
Kirby says he is obsessed with money. Says he believes in free markets but not hurting people. #STUVotes— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Atwin closes by saying this election matters and to get and vote regardless of the party. Says impacts of climate change should factor into our votes. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
DeCourcey starts his closing statement in French and then speaks about the important choices in this election. Asks if we want to risk things or move forward. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
Paull speaks on the similar interests of the candidates on stage. Says he wants to balance the budget and make sure the people of Canada are listened to. #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019
That concludes tonight's debate. Thanks for joining us! #STUVotes
— The Aquinian (@Aquinian) September 24, 2019