Higgs seeks third term, provincial election set for Oct. 21

    Blaine Higgs, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, calls for provincial general election. (Matthew Daigle/AQ)

    Premier Blaine Higgs met with Lt.-Gov. Brenda Murphy this morning to formalize the dissolution of the legislature which calls for a general provincial election. 

    Higgs, the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, is seeking his third re-election. He has served six years as the Premier of New Brunswick.

    The general election date is set for Oct. 21.

    Voters will elect 49 members to form the 61st New Brunswick legislature. 

    In 2020, the Progressive Conservatives won a majority government after Higgs called a snap election. 

    It’s slated to be a tight race between Higgs and the leader of the province’s Liberal Party Susan Holt.

    According to a Nanos poll in August, the Progressive Conservatives and Liberals were locked at 35.9 per cent each. The Green Party was at 13.5 per cent, the New Democratic Party at 9.8 per cent and the People’s Alliance at 4.9 per cent.

    A Narrative Research poll also done in August puts a gap in the race. It has the Liberals at 44 per cent and the incumbent Progressive Conservatives at 33 per cent.

    The Nanos poll said that the top provincial issues were healthcare, the cost of living/inflation and housing/cost of housing.

    On-campus polls will return to campuses across the province after a one-election hiatus. 

    St. Thomas University will host a poll in Sir James Dunn Hall from Oct. 15 to 17, between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. These polls will give students the option to vote in the riding that STU is located in or their home riding elsewhere in the province.