Miriam Richer doesn’t think anyone should have to go hungry in Fredericton.
Richer, the social issues advocate for the St. Thomas University students’ union, is organizing this year’s Trick-or Eat.
Each Halloween, students dress up as their favourite ghost or ghoul and go door-to-door to collect food for the Fredericton Food Bank and campus food bank.
Though new to Trick-or-Eat, Richer is no stranger to this type of job, having worked with the Fredericton Anti-Poverty Organization as well as several of Fredericton High School’s Halloween for Hunger events.
“People seem to forget that there are individuals who are struggling in Fredericton,” she said, adding that poverty isn’t always that easy to recognize.
“A lot of people attempt to hide their financial statuses from people.”
Many of those who are struggling to keep food on their table receive help from organizations such as the Fredericton Food Bank.
Located on Grandame Street, the food bank serves thousands of individuals each month in the Fredericton community. It relies heavily each year on the donations given to them from events like Trick-or-Eat.
Richer stresses the importance of Trick-or-Eat, not only for the help it gives to those in need, but also for its ability to bring together students from all parts of the STU community.
“An event like this helps build a sense of community and brings people together for a common cause.”
In 2009, Trick-or-Eat brought in ten tons of donations in three hours.
To Emily Bosse, the organizer of that year’s event, it’s a wonderful example of how much our university community can do when it comes together.
“It’s one of my favourite nights of the year. Seeing people start to come back in with the food is absolutely amazing,” she said.
What sparks the volunteers’ efforts each Halloween varies from person to person, but it is something Richer hopes to see in this year’s event as well.
“There is enough food in Fredericton, and no one should have to go hungry.”
Trick-or-Eat information
When: Monday, Oct. 31, 5 to 8 p.m.
How to get involved: Register online on at the Trick-or-Eat website at www.trickoreat.ca.