The Nature Trust of New Brunswick is hosting their second annual On the Rise fundraising event this Saturday at the Delta Fredericton at 7 p.m.
The event will help to raise funds that allow the organization to conserve New Brunswick’s vast landscapes.
So far, the organization has helped to create and maintain 37 nature preserves. The Nature Trust of New Brunswick is a non-profit and non-government organization that works to conserve and protect New Brunswick’s lands for the sake of nature and people.
The On the Rise event will include live entertainment by New Brunswick blues musician Thom Swift as well as a keynote address by Sandi MacKinnon from a tech company and a corporate steward of Hyla Park nature preserve called Remsoft. There will also be an auction and raffle.
“This year, in addition to raising funds and awareness for land conservation, we have selected a new theme for the event – stewardship,” said Nature Trust President Lynn MacKinnon in a press release. “We are celebrating stewardship as it is a key component of our mission and mandate to properly steward, in other words, care for our nature preserves after they are conserved.”
St. Thomas fourth year student Danielle Andrus is an intern at Nature Trust New Brunswick.
“I think students should attend the event because it is a great way to learn about the wonderful work they have done throughout New Brunswick. I am really lucky to be interning with such an amazing organization whose mission looks at preserving ecological significant properties in New Brunswick for future generations to enjoy,” she said.
Tickets to the event are $50 but students have a discounted price of $20.
Tickets can be purchased for students by contacting Rebecca Randell at or visiting the organization’s website.