After two and a half years, the Bike Share program is still trying to promote fitness and tourism to STU residents.
The Bike Share program allows students and faculty unlimited use of five school bicycles after paying an annual membership fee of $20. The bikes come with helmets and locks.
The program isn’t new at STU, but few people are aware of it. O’Keefe Centre employee Cris Vásquez says not many people use it during the school year.
“In the summer it’s a bit more popular, but only to some extent,” he said.
STU has lower attendance during the summer, meaning fewer people are benefiting from the program. Bikes are only available from May to October, which also limits students and faculty from taking advantage of the system.
Vásquez believes the program is still beneficial, even though it’s not being used to its full potential.
“The transit system in Fredericton isn’t always reliable, and not everybody has a car,” he said.
On STU’s website, the school claims Bike Share is a means of “promoting outdoor physical activity and experiencing this beautiful city and community of ours”. The website stresses the program is not meant for daily transportation to and from the university.
But despite the relative ease and convenience of the program, not many students have heard about it.
Alex Fox, a fourth year student, wasn’t made aware of Bike Share until this year. She said she doesn’t know why more people haven’t used it.
“It’s actually incredibly useful. It’s convenient for out-of-town students for getting around in Fredericton,” she said.
While the program is not available for the majority of the school year, it still allows first-years to explore their new home and older students to visit their favourite haunts.
Fox said she wishes more students would participate in Bike Share, but understands why the program only runs during the summer months.
“Winter puts a halt on biking, unfortunately. I don’t have an icy death wish.”