The Aquinian is to be updated weekly during the academic year.
Weekly Editorial Board meetings are mandatory to all Aquinian officers.
The Aquinian shall not publish any work or part thereof written by a faculty member or administrator of either St. Thomas University or the University of New Brunswick, with the exception Letters to the Editor written by university faculty or administrators as per the Editor-in-Chief’s discretion.
All deadlines must be adhered to by both Aquinian officers and staff members. If deadlines or standards are not met, the Editorial Board may withhold honoraria of the officer in question with approval by a majority vote, minus the officer in question. Action must be taken immediately thereafter to resolve the situation in the best interests of the Organization in consultation with The Editorial Board, Board of Directors, and/or the informal faculty consultant.
Each officer of The Aquinian is required to sign a contract outlining his/her responsibilities and is bound to the terms of said contract for the fiscal year. The Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Board and the Board of Directors must abide by the guidelines set forth in the Constitution when dismissing, appointing and/or impeaching any officer of The Aquinian.
While The Aquinian Inc. shall be autonomous from the Student’s Union, certain services shall be provided between the two organizations:i.
The Aquinian and its Board of Directors shall conduct elections and referenda under the auspices of and according to regulations of the Student’s Union and the office of the Union’s Chief Returning Officer. This shall include all components of the election, including but not exclusively; the nomination process, the campaign period, voting and counting of ballots.
The Aquinian may grant the Union the equivalent of one column each issue which any elected member of the Union can write on a regular basis, however this may be withdrawn by the Editorial Board at any given time for any given reason.
Shall there be a conflict between the Constitution of The Aquinian and the Students’ Union constitution, The Aquinian’s constitution shall take precedence over the other.
All regularly scheduled Board meetings are open to shareholders, however emergency meetings and the hiring process are closed to the public, as are Editorial meetings. All Aquinian staff meetings shall be open. No member of the board, with the exception of the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor, shall attend any editorial meeting, unless a Director is a staff writer.
Reconciliation and reporting on Indigenous communities:
When considering for publication a story where members of St. Thomas’s Indigenous community are mentioned, the Editor-in-Chief is encouraged to consult with St. Thomas’s Indigenous community before publication.
The Aquinian must aim to uphold the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Actions, particularly those in relation to the media.
A code of ethics and practices on reporting on Indigenous communities has been developed by The Aquinian to help student journalists reflect on their journalistic practices as they pursue, gather information and write stories on Indigenous students, events, etc. This guide and its practices must:
Be read by all officers and staff at the beginning of the academic year
Be distributed by the Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor in August prior to the start of the first story meeting
Be implemented to the fullest extent by the Editor-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, all officers and all staff