The Aquinian’s website is updated daily during the school year. Advertisements are included on every page, so even when a student navigates away from the homepage, your ad will still reach them.
The Aquinian averages about 2000 page views per day. With a population of roughly 2000 students just at St. Thomas University, your ads will reach the majority of students and viewers every day of the month you’ve paid for.
Our online ads do not rotate more than three ads at a time. Therefore, for every three clicks, the viewer will see your ad.
All online ads come in colour at no extra cost. You may submit your own ad or, for only an extra 10%, we can create one for you.
SIZE (Pixels) | Price per month | Price per month (ONE SEMESTER) |
Price per month (ONE SEMESTER) |
In-article ads | $95 | $75 | $50 |
Side-bar Website ads | $85 | $65 | $45 |
Prices do not include HST.
September 18, 25
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
November 7, 21, 28
December 5
January 16, 23, 30
February 6, 13, 20, 27
March 6, 20, 27
*Schedule is subject to change
Please note: If a cancellation is made when an advertiser is paying at a discounted rate, they must pay a backlog that equals the suitable.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to advertise with The Aquinian, please contact Estefania Martinez, The AQ’s social media and advertisement editor at