
We recognize and respectfully acknowledge that the land on which The Aquinian is situated is the un-surrendered and unceded traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik.

The Aquinian, St. Thomas University’s Official Student Publication, is student-owned and operated.

The Aquinian aims to foster a sense of community at STU by developing and promoting dialogue.

The online edition of The Aquinian is published weekly during the academic year.

Letters to the Editor must be submitted by Friday at 5 p.m. to ensure its publication in the following issue. All submissions must have your full name attached. The Aquinian’s editorial board reserves the right to reject letters and edit for content, clarity, brevity and length.

The opinions expressed in these publications are those of the writers, and may not be representative of The Aquinian, its editorial board or its board of directors.

All editorial content appearing in The Aquinian is the property of The Aquinian. Stories, photos and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without written permission from the Editor-in-Chief.

For all advertising inquiries, contact our Social Media & Advertising Editor: social@theaq.net.

The Aquinian is a member of the Canadian University Press and the 2021-22 edition is funded in part by St. Thomas University’s Dalton Camp Endowment in Journalism.

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E3B 5G3
