Addition to the NBSA advocacy document
St. Thomas University Students’ Union president Sarah Kohut said the New Brunswick Student Alliance would include an ask regarding on-campus sexual violence movements in its advocacy document. She said the document would be presented to the government during lobby meetings at the end of the month.
STUSU website editing
St. Thomas University Students’ Union vice-president administration Matthew Oram said he’s editing the STUSU’s website to make the application process for academic assistance and clubs and societies funding more efficient. He said it would give students the option to submit forms through Dropbox instead of email.
Volunteers for Midweek Motivation event
St. Thomas University Students’ Union vice-president student life Kyle McNally said he met with the campus events committee to discuss the Midweek Motivation event, which will happen weekly on campus. He said they are currently looking for volunteers and students should contact if they’re interested.
Netflix trivia event
St. Thomas University Students’ Union vice-president student life Kyle McNally said the STUSU activities and events committee will plan a Netflix trivia event for the end of November.
Mental health forum event
St. Thomas University Students’ Union social inclusion representative Andie Amaya said she purchased a website domain for a mental health forum event to allow students to answer questions every month. It will also include a page listing mental health resources in Fredericton.
Bus pass opt-in
St. Thomas University Students’ Union president Sarah Kohut said the STUSU has co-signed a request with STU to ask Fredericton Transit to revisit the structure of student bus passes this year due to COVID-19 and consider moving towards an opt-in model. It would mean students will have fees refunded if they choose not to have a bus pass.