The Government of New Brunswick announced all non-essential services must shut down on March 17, which left many heavy traffic areas empty. The Aquinian’s photo editor, Alex Dascalu, visited some previously populated locations on March 28, while practicing social distancing, to capture the peculiarities around town.
Saturday mornings are usually packed at the Boyce Farmers Market in downtown Fredericton.
But since the onset of COVID-19, people and parked cars are scare. The market announced their closure March 17.
This is the parking lot at the Boyce Farmers Market.
It was eerie standing somewhere that’s usually packed on a Saturday.
The Regent Mall is also closed to the public.
With security at every corner, it’s impossible to get in.
But Walmart is still operating and a few dozen people were out shopping on March 28.
Sport Chek, which has its own entrance, has closed its doors.
For now, the store is closed until April 2.
Toys R Us wasn’t open for people to buy toys.
Buying a book or going to the movie theatre isn’t an option.
But Lawtons is here for your needs.
Kings Place Mall announced on March 17 that many retail stores within the mall would be changing their hours.
Dollarama is still open in the Kings Place Mall but they are taking precautions, such as only letting a couple people in at a time and making sure shoppers stay six feet apart.
Half of the Kings Place Mall is closed to the public.
Downtown Fredericton is very quiet when nobody is around.
It looks like the apocalypse hit.
Nobody can be seen at The Northside Market either.
Hopefully, we will get back to our normal routines and weekend trips to the market soon.