Comedy: 5 unconventional things to do this winter

1. Settlers of Starbucksunnamed

Now everybody knows you need a whole day for a real game of Settlers of Catan. What better way to do it than grabbing a friend who has a Starbucks gold card, and getting free refills of coffee while upsetting the entire café with your banter over how much you need wood. Just try to not spill anything in your caffeine induced rage.

2. Winter Camping

I know what you’re thinking: “It’s cold and wet outside, why the fuck would I want to go camping?”IMG_20161214_144002293

Trust me on this one. This works as a perfect “bro-date” or regular date with your significant other where you can sit by the fire and appreciate each other’s warmth while having some camp food and liquor. It’s honestly one of the most satisfying ways to take in winter and it can be a lot of fun even with bigger groups. Just remember a decent tent, a blanket and a sleeping bag that goes to at least -15 C.

3. Polar Dip

Grab 10-20 of your best friends, pick a super cold day, and plunge butt first into a cold lake at the crackUntitled-1 of dawn. While it’s a great way to get hypothermia, it’s also a great way to experience an adrenaline rush with your best buds. Just pack an extra pair of undies.

4. Truck sleddin’

This one requires at least one motorcycle helmet to prevent severe brain damage.

Most rural Canadians know not all roads get plowed right away after a storm. What better way to take advantage of it than to attach a rope to the trailer hitch of a truck, and pull your friend on a sled down the road at 60 m.p.h. This isn’t an activity for the faint of heart. Once again, don’t forget an extra pair of undies.

5. Makeshift hot tub

There are many ways to do this. Maybe you’ve heard of using a tarp in the cab of a truck and heatingunnamed (2) the water with the trucks engine? It might be dangerous and complicated, but with a few short YouTube tutorials you can give an old truck new life again, and a hot sweaty party to boot. If you’re a handyman, you can even try making a wood-fire hot tub with a container and copper tubing.