Talkback: Response to the AQ’s sex column

Dear Editor,

Is it just me, or is the sex column kind of boring this year?

Yes, they have been raising some good points: it’s okay to show a little bit of PDA, and it’s really attractive to show some self confidence.

Well that’s just great. Last year’s sex column, written by Diana Myers, was actually about sex. She tackled issues that a lot of journalists might feel uncomfortable with. In one column she talked about waking up feeling sticky next to a stranger. In another issue, she lets the world know that the problem with sluts is that they are too nice to say no. Diana was very racy and probably received a lot of backlash on some of the columns that she wrote. But that was what caught the reader’s eye. It was interesting and scandalous. Which is a lot more than one can say about the sex column in this year’s Aquinian.

I didn’t even finish reading the column about confidence. Yawn. I think we’ve all heard that before.

Jana Thompson