Silenced Individuals

By Ayat Abed Isaid

Respect, equality, and diversity are three words that describe Canada.

Three words that made me fascinated about this part of the world.

When the three exist together as a balanced trio, all Canadians benefit from the positive society that continues to emerge.

Multiculturalism speaks of Canada’s many cultural influences and different ways of living. Canada has always been multicultural, beginning with the cultural diversity of the First Nations, and then accepting peoples of English, French, Irish, Scottish ancestry, and so on.

This process continues to this day, and Canada is always improving as a nation with addition of more cultures from around the world.

Canada has a strong reputation as a nation of immigrants. It has maintained its immigration policy since World War II, and since the 1960’s, it has been striving for immigrants from all over the world.

Before World War II, Canada was already home to people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. But not everyone was treated equally in Canada. Many people who came to Canada were often considered “foreigners” because of their race, religion, or customs that were different from other Canadians.

Many Canadians were afraid of “foreigners” and they saw them different and, perhaps, inferior. However, Canada wanted many immigrants to work in forests, factories and mines to build the country. However, racial fears continued to dominate more and more in the public agenda.

Canada introduced the policy of multiculturalism to help all people who come from different parts of the world, hold on their own cultural values and speak different languages.

It was also supposed to overcome cultural and language barriers to fully contribute in Canadian society.

It also meant that the Canadian government was showing to learn other cultures and to help many learn Canada’s official languages to integrate into the Canadian culture.
However, some people fear that the multiculturalism policy is promoting too much diversity at the expense of unity.

They believe that the policy is divisive because it emphasizes what is different, rather than the values of being Canadian.

Canadian culture is getting discarded in the effort to accommodate other cultures.

On the other hand, defenders of Canada’s approach to multiculturalism argue that it encourages integration by telling immigrants they do not have to choose between preserving their cultural heritage and participating in Canadian society.

Rather, they can do both.

I think Multiculturalism can make Canada a better place to live in or a nightmare.

The policy might have several disadvantages and many academics are trying to spot the “problem” with this policy, but they haven’t been able to tell the problem and its definition. Other people are still debating how to implement this policy without harming anyone