Costume drama

What is the best Halloween costume? Is the Joker mask finally out of style? What is the laziest costume you can make? Who will win the prize for the most racist costume? Oscar Baker III and Joseph Tunney hit the streets to find out.


IMG_9507Isabella Horswill

Halloween costume: Midnight Fairy


Why are you going as a fairy?

Because that was the best costume I could find in the Walmart aisle for adults.


Is there a fairy it looks like?

It’s like a dark fairy; it’s a black outfit. I’ll be the nicest black fairy out there.


Is it a classy fairy costume?


It’s classy, there were many fairy options open. The one I got was the classist of them all. It didn’t show as much skin as the other ones. That’s why I got it and also I liked the wings.


Adam LeretteIMG_9505

Halloween costume: Rabbi


Are you afraid of offending someone?

I don’t think so. It’s Halloween. A lot of costumes are going to offend whether you intend to or not.


Are you going normal rabbi, or sexy rabbi?

Just rabbi. Nothing sexy. Just a rabbi.


Will you be memorizing the Torah for Halloween?

Not an endeavour of mine.


IMG_9513Kristopher Biggs

Halloween Costume: Scott Pilgrim


Because of your last name why aren’t you going out as Mr. Big from Sex and The City?

I don’t watch Sex and the City…


Well you’re missing out.

I’ll have to watch it now.


You’re such a Miranda.


IMG_9490Josh Vautour

Halloween Costume: Red Power Ranger

1st year


What are you going as for Halloween?


I’m going as the Red Power Ranger, but like the original Red Power Ranger. Back when they were racist, and the Asian girl was the yellow power ranger, and the Black Ranger was black.


So what you’re saying is you can’t really be the original Red Power Ranger…

It just happens so much just because of the colour of my skin…



IMG_9462Rebecca Ferris

Halloween costume: Lifeguard


Why are you going as a lifeguard (with your friend, Kim)?

Because we decided to go the cheaper route and our friend gave us two shirts that say Life Guard on them.


Why not just steal a costume? Isn’t that the cheapest route of all?

I’m going to say definitely not.


If you see somebody’s drowning will you save him or her?

No, because that would be lying to people.


Will you save them if they’re thirsty?

No. We’re not bringing up “thirst” in this interview. I will not comment on that. All I’m committing to in this interview is that I’m going to be wearing a shirt that says Life Guard on it, I will not try to save people’s lives because I don’t have the qualifications that a life guard has, and I’m not friends with Joe Tunney after this interview.