Blue Cross delays fixed

    Students with a Blue Cross plan through St. Thomas University are finally receiving their normal coverage, as of Sept. 28. This means students can now pick up their prescriptions by showing their student ID.

    Blue Cross offered to make the online database this year, meaning less work for STU. But it took them a week to make it fully functional, after STU sent them the list of students on Sept. 17. Reg Gallant, comptroller of financial services, says the month-long delay happened because of a communication gap.

    Blue Cross' online database took a month to set up and students still waiting for dental. (Ashley Swinton/AQ)

    “I’ve had a few students come in our office and say they went to the drugstore, the drugstore didn’t know what they were talking about… Because they’re waiting to hear from Blue Cross, we’re waiting to hear from Blue Cross,” Gallant said.

    Kelsey Nevers is a fifth-year honours student at STU. She’s one of several students who had issues with Blue Cross this year. She’s still waiting for her dental coverage.

    “I went in two weeks after school started to pick up a prescription and they said ‘your Blue Cross is terminated’ and I said well I have a card that says I paid for it,” Nevers said.

    Students were still covered as of Sept. 1, but because Blue Cross didn’t complete the online database until last week, some students had to pay full price at the drugstore. Those who paid for medical services before the database was set up, can go to the Blue Cross office on Prospect Street to be reimbursed.

    Gallant said they didn’t send the list until Sept. 17 because they were waiting to see what students needed to be taken off the list, for not having coverage. There were approximately 80 students removed from the list.

    “We were thinking this year it was a matter of two weeks, which became four. And that really isn’t acceptable.”

    Gallant said next year they will start the process earlier. He also said it’s worth the risk to have a student use the Blue Cross coverage who hasn’t paid for it, than have students who have paid for coverage, not getting it.

    “It should be our right to say this, on such and such a date, I got this card from them. I should be able to use it. And if not I should be notified when I can use it,” Nevers said.

    Nevers said it went a lot smoother last year but she understands that it takes time for forms to get from one place to another.