STUSU briefs

    TAB meeting
    STUSU met with members of the Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour department this week. According to executive Sam Titus and president Fernanda Damiani, the government is continuing to avoid questions regarding implementing sliding scale models for the Tuition Access Bursary program.

    Titus, vice-president education, said he hopes the issue will gain more traction during the upcoming lobby week planned with the New Brunswick Student Alliance.

    Packing site for Community Food Smart
    Vice-president student life Brianna Matchett said she met with representatives from New Brunswick Community College and New Brunswick College of Craft and Design this week to discuss a new packing site. She said the three schools are in consensus for aiming to establish their own packing site beginning in January 2017. No representatives from the University of New Brunswick were present at the meeting, though they have been vocal advocates for a new packing site, Matchett said.
    She said they’re also looking for student volunteers to help pack Community Food Smart bags.

    Upcoming student activities
    On Tuesday, Oct. 25, free hot-chocolate will be made available to students to help alleviate midterm stress. Trick or Eat will be returning to St. Thomas University on Oct. 31. Also, a trivia night is being planned for one of the Mondays in November. Finally, plans for an election party are being finalized, for any students interested in viewing the U.S. presidential election results on Nov. 8.

    Winter formal
    Matchett said the Crown Plaza has been booked for winter formal once again this year. The event will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 6. It will begin at 8 p.m. and the cost is $5 for STU students and $10 for sign-ins.

    Off-campus representative Brandon LeBlanc expressed concern regarding the date, as last year it conflicted with the Last Class Bash. While Matchett agreed that would be unfortunate, she stated the event was already booked and traditionally, winter formal is always on a Tuesday, while the Last Class Bash was to take place on the Wednesday.